NaPoWriMo, Day Twenty-Two: “American Trilogy”

Dan Gualtieri
Apr 23, 2024


American Trilogy

Wry smile under the weight
of a flatland blanket & I’m still
wondering. The voicemails
I never deleted, punctuated
questions, an invitation.

Pretending to sit on a bench,
everything that stands for
in our Puritan context. Cold
breath at war with the bonfire
& no one to see the show.

These impassable mountains. How
it’s possible for sadness to feel,
the physical symptoms of it
as the cold arrows pierce you.
Quivers full of poems & poems.

Thanks for reading! April is National Poetry Writing Month, and this year I’m writing and publishing a poem each day titled after (and sort of, sometimes, about) a cocktail. My 2019–2023 NaPoWriMo poems (about crossword clues, food, GIFs, the Fast and Furious movies, and car insurance) are here on Medium, so check out my profile if you want more.



Dan Gualtieri

I’m just this guy, you know? Senior UX Designer at CoverMyMeds. Poet.